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Fall Field Trip:Koroen Beach!!
Find your partner!
We are going to the beach!
It's a nice walk to the beach!
Be careful crossing the street!
The Shukugawa River is beautiful.
It's more than a kilometer walk!
Almost there!
Let's feed the birds some bread!
Will the birds eat from our hands?
Lot's of water fowl:
seagulls, ducks, egrits...
Water fowl with orange hats!
Oh no - these are children!
That bread is for the birds!
TIme for the picnic!
It's cold but it's fun!
Potato koroke and little sausages!!
What a delicious combo!
I'm so hungry !
Me too!
Snack time!
Jagariko - my favorite!
What's that ?
I think it's a grasshopper.
Let's look for some more!
Look what I found!
Let's play tag!
I got you!
We had a great time at the beach!